Sunday, July 1, 2012

the building blocks

There are basically three things in our world/universe that we see generally.

1. Particles   :: Electron neuron proton photon (dual nature)
2. Space      :: The place where every thing occurs 
3. Energy     :: That make or try to make the things dynamic.

Let us take first the particles. basically they have mass. the measurement of the matter. every thing around us is made of mass. Humm ???? Light ???? Yes light what we see or all the electromagnatic radiation do act like matter and on collision produce momentum. the momentum of a photon of a v frequency is p=\hbar k=\frac{h\nu}{c}=\frac{h}{\lambda}.

We have to live with this dual charchacter of light particle and wave.

This is the time talking the elementary particles which cannot be broken further in the more basic particles.

  • Electron,
  • Quarks (six types of quarks:::: flavors up, Down, Strange, Charm, Bottom, and Top)
  • Nuetrino
  • Photon
  • W Z Bosons
But a new theory suggest that all of these particles are even made of fundmental unit that is called string. This theory is called the string theory.

String theory
1. Bulk matter level (Big crystal) which is made of small crystal.
2. Molecular Level.
3. Atomic level
4. Sub atomic level (Basic particle levels some can be breaked in to a elementry particles like quqrks neutrinos etc)
5. The elemetry particle levels ( Electron,. neutrinos quarks, WZ Bosons )
6. The String level Everything is made of these strings.

As the string the only basic entity of matter so everything can be explained by the properties of string. Theortical work is being done by many scientist.

For Science ebook in hindi please visit

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